Malabar Spore Syringe | 10ml


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Immerse yourself in the realm of mycology with our Malabar Psilocybe Cubensis Spores, contained in a 10ml syringe for precise scientific research. Celebrated for its robustness and unique morphological traits, the Malabar strain is vital for studying fungal genetics and microscopy. Our commitment to excellence is evident in each high-quality, meticulously prepared batch, offering a pure and reliable gateway to exploring the complexities of fungal development and microscopic worlds.

100% Organic
DISCREET SHIPPING for liquid cultures

SKU: M-6519 Category:


The Malabar Psilocybe Cubensis Spores, presented in a 10ml syringe, offer a fascinating insight into the world of mycological research. This strain, known for its robustness and distinct morphological features, stands out in the study of fungal genetics and microscopy. Each syringe, loaded with high-quality Malabar spores, represents a commitment to excellence, with each batch meticulously prepared under stringent cleanroom conditions and verified through comprehensive laboratory testing.

Understanding Malabar Psilocybe Cubensis Spores:
These spores mark the beginning of the Malabar strain’s lifecycle, encapsulated in a sterile environment for precise scientific observation.

Verification and Quality Assurance:
The authenticity and quality of our Malabar spores are paramount. Rigorous third-party laboratory testing ensures that researchers receive a product that meets the highest standards of purity and reliability, fostering a trustworthy environment for mycological exploration.

Storage and Preservation:
Maintaining the viability of these spores is crucial; therefore, refrigeration is recommended. This practice ensures the preservation of the spores’ potential, allowing for extended research opportunities.

Legal Compliance and Usage:
In adherence to federal regulations, Malabar Psilocybe Cubensis Spores are legal for academic and research purposes.